Drinkaware Website User Feedback 2018


Date published





Drinkaware Website User Survey 2018

Drinkaware Website User Feedback 2018


Date published




At three points throughout 2018 (January, April, and November), 1,752 visitors provided us with feedback about the Drinkaware website. Why did they visit, what actions would they take as a result, and how many would recommend the website to others?

Reasons for visiting the Drinkaware website

The top four reasons for visiting the website were:

  1. To find out about the health impact of alcohol (31.2%).
  2. To better understand my own drinking (29.1%).
  3. To get help to reduce the amount I’m drinking (24%).
  4. To find out about the effects of alcohol (24%).

Impact of visiting the website

Following their visit to the website, users were asked what actions they would likely take as a result. Figure 1 presents the results. Over three-quarters of survey respondents (78.9%) stated that they would likely return to the Drinkaware website for more advice and support. This was followed by reducing their alcohol consumption (71.2%) and adopting tips and tools (71.2%).

Recommending the website to others

Respondents were asked if they would recommend the Drinkaware website to friends or family in the future. Just over nine in ten respondents (91.1%) stated that they would recommend the website—a figure that has remained the same since 2017.

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