Where to access alcohol support and treatment services
Alcohol support and treatment services provide help to many people across the UK every day. Find out how they work and where you can access them.
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If you think you might be dependent on alcohol and are looking to get support or treatment for your drinking, there are three main ways you can get free and confidential help.
Another option you may want to consider is private treatment if you can afford that type of help. If you would like to attend a private clinic or are looking for help for someone else, it’s important to check that the private treatment clinic you choose to go with is CQC registered to provide quality care.
There are a range of other services that may refer you for further alcohol support or treatment, if you are already in contact with them.
These might include:
Deciding to access alcohol treatment can feel like a scary experience but getting the right treatment and support works for many people.
Treatment providers offer a structured alcohol treatment service that is delivered by a recovery care plan following a full assessment of your needs.
Local community support services, or groups, offer more informal support and are sometimes run by volunteers or people with direct experience of alcohol problems. These services include peer support, social meetings, workshops and practical help with housing or employment as well as referrals to other services.
Support groups often run alongside structured treatment. You can also attend and seek help from a local support service or group without treatment, as part of your own self-help routine to cut down and control your drinking or stop alcohol completely.
If you’re looking for a support service or treatment provider to help you or someone else with their drinking, the easiest way is to use a postcode service directory. The following directories can show you what services are available in your area based on the postcode you enter.
The NHS provides a national and local service directory postcode search function for various services here
This postcode search directory covers residential alcohol rehabilitation services in England and Wales. It also includes paid for private treatment and support services.
Change Grow Live Directory (Covers England, Scotland + Wales)
A large alcohol treatment service provider charity. It has a postcode search function of its services.
A large alcohol treatment service provider charity. It has a postcode function of its services.
Drink and Drugs News Addiction Directory
This directory contains listings for alcohol support services in England, Scotland, and Wales, including residential detox and rehabilitation treatment, programmes for young people, and supported living accommodation.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meeting Finder
If you’re looking for free and confidential peer support, AA run a postcode directory to find a meeting near you and cover England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
This postcode directory covers England, Scotland, and Wales to find a meeting near you.
The NHS directory for alcohol and addictions services in Scotland covers alcohol misuse, family support, harm reduction, advice and support, rehab, and alcohol action teams.
Scottish drug services directory
This online directory includes contact details for over 200 agencies in Scotland who can help with alcohol treatment and care.
Alcohol Focus Scotland
This alcohol service directory covers all regions in Scotland. Services include general advice, harm reduction, community rehab, outreach services, counselling and group support, carer and young people support.
NHS Wales Health & Wellbeing Local Services
The NHS directory for Wales includes alcohol support and treatment services as well as health and wellbeing services.
DAN provide a directory for local and national alcohol support agencies in Wales as well as national listings.
This service directory provides information on alcohol support services in Northern Ireland for adults, young people, and specific groups, including community-based adult services to residential addiction treatment centres.
Drinkaware do not endorse the organisations on this list. The content on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is intended for information purposes only for those seeking alcohol support or treatment.