Twelve tips to make the most of Christmas
Enjoy the holidays and keep health risks from alcohol to a low level with our 12 top tips for Christmas.

Drinkaware's 12 tips to make the most of Christmas
The holiday season is filed with festivities, from office parties to family gatherings and New Year's celebrations. It’s easy to lose track of how quickly the units in drinks can add up. What might not be as obvious is the how your drinking may be affecting your health and wellbeing.
If you choose to drink this Christmas, here are Drinkaware's 12 tips to help you enjoy the holidays and drink in moderation:
- Know your limits: to keep your risk of alcohol harm low, it’s important to know your limits. The advice is the same for men and women: drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week, spread over three or more days with several drink-free days and no bingeing. This is roughly equivalent to six standard glasses of wine (13% ABV) or six pints of beer (4% ABV).
- Track your drinking: if you choose to drink, track how much you’re drinking with our free MyDrinkaware app . It helps you calculate your units, set goals, and measure your progress over time.
- Never drink and drive: it's safest to avoid alcohol completely if you're driving. Keep in mind that after a night of drinking, alcohol may still be in your system, the next morning and you still may not be safe to drive.
- Ask for support when cutting down: let your friends and family know that you’re planning to moderate your drinking this Christmas. Having a supportive loved one that knows you’re trying to cut back on your drinking can make a big difference.
- Eat before drinking: having a nutritious meal before heading out or starting to drink can help slow down alcohol absorption. Snacking between drinks will also help you stay more in control throughout the evening.
- Avoid “preloading”: drinking at home before a night out (preloading) can easily lead to drinking more than you intended, as it’s very easy for the drinks to stack up.
- Stay hydrated: alternate alcoholic drinks with water or soft drinks to keep yourself hydrated and help manage your drinking. Try to avoid rounds as they can encourage faster and more frequent drinking than you might intend.
- Downsize your drinks: opting for smaller servings can make a big difference. Choosing a half-pint of beer instead of a pint or a small glass of wine instead of a large one helps you drink less and consume fewer calories.
- Try alcohol-free alternatives: experiment with no- or low-alcohol drinks or try a festive alcohol-free mocktail. There are now more options available than ever!
- Plan your journey home: if you’re heading out to a Christmas party or get-together arrange a safe way to get home, like a licensed taxi or cab, and always travel with people you trust. Remember, men can also be vulnerable if traveling alone.
- Keep warm and always take a coat: alcohol can make you think that you’re warm, even when you’re not, this ‘beer jacket’ response can put you at greater risk from cold weather. It actually causes heat loss from your core, making you feel warm while actually lowering your body temperature. Dress appropriately for the weather and take a coat when heading out.
- Think ahead to the New Year: The start of a new year is a great time to reflect on your drinking habits, and where necessary, make lasting changes that can benefit their health and wellbeing. So, why not take a first step towards your New Year's resolutions and check out our range of tools designed to help you cut back and feel better?
For more tips, guidance, and inspiration on moderating your drinking, explore our resources:
Cutting your drinking with alcohol-free or low alcohol drinks
10 tips for an alcohol-free night out
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