Contact us
All the details you need to contact the Drinkaware team or get support.
Help us improve your experience – take our survey for a chance to win one of two £100 Amazon vouchers!
If you would like to talk to someone about your drinking or someone else's. You can have a free and confidential chat with someone at Drinkline who are trained to help.
For all of Drinkaware's latest press releases and statements please visit our news section or contact us for more information.
If you're a journalist with a media request or looking for comment from a Drinkaware spokesperson, please contact our Media and Communications Team.
Drinkaware, Michael House, 35 Chiswell Street, London EC1Y 4SE
Further information from Drinkaware logo licensing to order queries.
Our logo is a registered trademark. Any organisation that wishes to refer to Drinkaware, or the Drinkaware website, must obtain prior consent from us by entering into a Trademark Licence Agreement.
Use of the Drinkaware logo has been restricted to Drinkaware funders, and our public and third sector partners. Use of the logo is considered best practice but it is voluntary and you can use it at your discretion.
To find out more please see the section of our website about our logo, or get in touch with to apply for a licence, or to let us know about possible misuse of our logo.
You can find more information on alcohol labelling in general from The Portman Group.
The Portman Group is the responsibility body that regulates the promotion and packaging of alcoholic drinks. If you would like to make a related complaint please call The Portman Group on 020 7290 1460.
Drinkaware is not directly affiliated with the Challenge 25 scheme.
If you’re a licensee or involved in selling alcohol to the public, you can find more information about Challenge 25 on the Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) website.
For more about the laws on alcohol, visit our page about the law and under 18s and the 'Licensing Act 2003' UK government page.
Please view our complaints policy for more information.
Please have a look at our shop help section for details on getting in touch and other frequently asked questions. Please note that it can take up to 5 working days for orders to be processed, and if you have chosen to pay by invoice, payment must be received before orders are dispatched.
If you are concerned that you or someone you care about has a problem with alcohol there is lots of help available. You can find a range of useful links and contact numbers on our alcohol support services page.
Alcohol support services