All spirits including vodka, gin, rum, whisky, brandy are strong alcoholic drinks. Want to know how many units and calories are in spirits? Get all the facts.
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Use our simple guides to find out how many units or calories are in your favourite alcoholic drinks and tips on how to cut down.
All spirits including vodka, gin, rum, whisky, brandy are strong alcoholic drinks. Want to know how many units and calories are in spirits? Get all the facts.
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Find out how many calories and units are in vodka, and how that relates to the low risk drinking guidelines. A typical single (25ml) vodka will have 1 unit.
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A typical-strength single (25ml) measure of gin will have 1 unit of alcohol in it. Find out how many units and calories are in gin and how to reduce you're drinking.
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How many units and calories are in a glass of rum? Use our simple guide to find out and how to reduce your drinking.
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Whisky is a strong alcoholic spirit and any whisky (or ‘whiskey') must be at least 40% alcohol by volume. Get the facts on the unit and calorie content of whisky.
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Irish cream liqueur is an alcoholic drink made by blending whiskey with cream and sugar. But how much alcohol is in it, and how many calories? Read on to find out.
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Alcopops are pre-mixed alcoholic drinks designed to mimic the taste of soft drinks, but with alcohol. Get the facts on the unit and calorie content of a alcopops.
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Want to know how many units and calories are in wine? A typical-strength medium (175ml) glass of wine has around 2.3 units of alcohol. Get all the facts.
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Find out the calorie and unit content in a glass of red wine and get tips and guidance on how to enjoy it whilst staying mindful of your drinking
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A typical-strength medium (175ml) glass of white wine has around 2.3 units of alcohol. Get the facts on the unit and calorie content of white wine.
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A typical-strength medium (175ml) glass of rosé wine has around 2.3 units of alcohol. Find out the calories and units of rosé and how to enjoy it safely.
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A typical-strength 125ml glass of prosecco has around 1.5 units of alcohol. Find out the calories and units in a glass of prosecco and how to enjoy it safely.
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A typical-strength 125ml glass of champagne has around 1.5 units of alcohol. Get the facts on the unit and calorie content of champagne and how to drink it safely.
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Beers and lager are the most commonly bought alcoholic drink in pubs. Want to know how many units and calories are in lager? Get all the facts and how to cut down.
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How many units and calories are there in cider? Use our simple guide to find out how many units or calories your favourite cider contains.
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How many units and calories are in your pint of ale or stout? Use our quick guide to find out.
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Not all alcohol is gluten free. Read our guide for straight-forward information about where you can find gluten-free alcohol, and how you can enjoy it safely.
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Not all alcohol is vegan. Read our guide for straight-forward information about where you can find vegan alcohol, and how you can enjoy it safely.
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Get the facts on the alcohol and calorie content of hard seltzer
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Energy drinks contain a large amount of caffeine, taurine and vitamins. They can also contain high levels of sugar. So why is it dangerous to mix with alcohol?
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Did you know a swap to low alcohol can be a great way to reduce your drinking? Understand your options.
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Swapping a standard strength beer, wine, or spirit for alcohol-free can help you cut your drinking and improve your health. With so many varieties, it’s never been easier.
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