Have a little less, feel a lot better evidence
An evidence based and learning approach ensures Drinkaware’s campaigns and interventions make difference while increasing reach and impact. Have a little less feel a lot better evidence
Have a little less, feel a lot better is an evidence-based campaign, aiming to help men between the age of 45 and 64 make better choices about their drinking. To do this, we offer an assessment tool and educational health harm videos to raise awareness of the potential risks associated with excessive drinking. Read about the evidence behind our latest campaign below.
Evidence supporting the campaign
The campaign focus on midlife men originated from the Drinkaware Monitor 2014 segmentation analysis which highlighted this group within the ‘Risky Career Drinkers’ segment.
In addition, evidence from the Office of National Statistics clearly shows that midlife men are at the greatest risk of alcohol-related mortality.
Drinkaware started a systematic review of existing research on the drinking habits of this group and commissioned a comprehensive qualitative examination of midlife men’s drinking, presented in the Midlife Male Drinking research report.
Download the full Midlife Male Drinking report
We then coordinated a series of focus groups with this audience to develop and refine messages that they would find relevant and engage with, presented in the Middle Aged Men Campaign Development report.
Risk of dying from alcohol-related disease
Drinking alcohol can contribute to a number of illnesses. Our new interactive tool shows an individual’s potential risk of dying from alcohol-related disease, based on a report from the University of Sheffield, referred to on page 21 of the Department of Health’s Alcohol Guideline’s Review.
The Alcohol Guidelines Review data is unable to show average risk levels for those drinking 50 units or more per week, because so few people drink at this level. However, the data suggests that drinking at this level puts you at high risk, so any reduction would be good for your health.
Also, it should be noted that an individual’s risk depends on genetic and lifestyle factors; those who smoke are overweight or have an unhealthy lifestyle are at greater risk.
UK population drinking data
Our interactive tool shows an individual’s drinking in comparison to the rest of the UK population of men and women who drink. This information comes from the Drinkaware Monitor 2014: Adults’ drinking behaviour and attitudes in the UK.
UK government alcohol guidelines
UK government alcohol guidelines published by the Chief Medical Officer state that both men and women should not regularly drink more than 14 units per week, to keep health risks associated with alcohol low. Read more about the low risk guidelines.
Animated health harm videos & radio adverts
Have a little less, feel a lot better features radio adverts which mention some of the health harms associated with alcohol as well as five online animated health harm videos which show how having a little less can have health benefits. To discover more about all the evidence behind our latest campaign, download our Have a little less, feel a lot better evidence pack.
Download the Have a little less, feel a lot better campaign evidence pack