Global Comparisons
Here you will find data comparing alcohol consumption in the UK with the drinking trends and patterns experienced in Europe and beyond.
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In 2020, 78% of all UK adults (aged 15+) had consumed alcohol at least once in the previous 12 months.
Source: World Health Organisation (WHO)
In 2020, 22% of all UK adults (aged 15+) reported never drinking alcohol in the previous 12 months.
Source: World Health Organisation (WHO)
In 2020, alcohol consumption per capita (i.e. litres of pure alcohol per person [15+ years] per year) in the UK was 10.7 litres – equivalent to around 21 units of alcohol per week.
Source: World Health Organisation (WHO)
In 2020, 33% of the UK population (15+ years) reported heavy episodic drinking (consuming 60g of pure alcohol or more) at least once in the past 30 days.
Source: World Health Organisation (WHO)
In 2020, the average amount of pure alcohol consumed from beer per capita (i.e. litres of pure alcohol per person [15+ years] per year) was 3.1 litres in the UK – equivalent to around 6 units of beer per week.
Source: World Health Organisation (WHO)
In 2020, the average amount of pure alcohol consumed from wine per capita (i.e. litres of pure alcohol per person [15+ years] per year) was 3.6 litres in the UK – equivalent to around 7 units of wine per week.
Source: World Health Organisation (WHO)
In 2020, the average amount of pure alcohol consumed from spirits per capita (i.e. litres of pure alcohol per person [15+ years] per year) was 2.6 litres in the UK – equivalent to around 5 units of spirits per week.
Source: World Health Organisation (WHO)
In 2021, the age-standardised death rate from alcohol use disorders (AUDs) was 1.6 deaths per 100,000 people in the UK.
In 2021, the age-standardised rate of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) from alcohol use disorders (AUDs) was 354.0 per 100,000 people in the UK.
In 2022, England had the highest proportion of 11 and 13-year-olds who reported drinking an alcoholic drink in their lifetime globally.
Source: Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) Study
If you're interested in discovering more about alcohol consumption in the UK please find additional Drinkaware research here:
Here you’ll find data on alcohol in the UK including who drinks, what they drink, how often and how much they spend on alcohol.
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What are the social and personal consequences related to drinking? Here is the UK data around alcohol-related crime, treatment, hospital admissions and deaths.
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Find data on underage drinking in the UK including drinking trends, behaviours and attitudes among those young people under the legal drinking age.
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Last Reviewed: 1st October 2024
Next Review due: 1st October 2025