Alcohol Consumption UK
Find data on alcohol in the UK including who drinks, what they drink, how often and how much they spend on alcohol.
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In 2022, 48% of adults (aged 16+) drank alcohol on at least one day each week.
Source: Health Survey for England
In 2022/23, 44% of adults (aged 16+) drank alcohol on at least one day each week.
In 2022, 49% of adults (aged 16+) drank alcohol on at least one day each week.
Source: Scottish Health Survey
In 2022/23, 50% of adults (aged 18+) drank alcohol on at least one day each week.
Source: Health Survey Northern Ireland
In 2022, 19% of adults (aged 16+) did not drink alcohol.
Source: Health Survey for England
In 2022/23, 17% of adults (aged 16+) did not drink alcohol.
In 2022, 19% of adults (aged 16+) did not drink alcohol.
Source: Scottish Health Survey
In 2021/22, 23% of adults (aged 18+) did not drink alcohol.
Source: Health Survey Northern Ireland
The UK Chief Medical Officer's low risk drinking guidelines recommend drinking no more than 14 units per week. This is the equivalent to 6 glasses of wine or 6 pints of beer.
In 2022, 57% of adults (aged 16+) drank up to 14 units each week and 24% drank more than 14 units.
Source: Health Survey for England
In 2022/23, 66% of adults (aged 16+) drank up to 14 units each week and 17% drank more than 14 units.
In 2022, 58% of adults (aged 16+) drank up to 14 units each week and 22% drank more than 14 units.
Source: Scottish Health Survey
In 2022/23, 61% of adults (aged 18+) drank up to 14 units each week and 16% drank more than 14 units.
Source: Health Survey Northern Ireland
Binge drinking is defined as consuming 6 or more units (women) or 8 or more units (men) in a single session.
In 2022, 16% of adults (aged 16+) reported binge drinking in the previous week.
Source: Health Survey for England
In 2019/20, 13% of adults (aged 16+) reported binge drinking in the previous week.
In 2022, 15% of adults (aged 16+) reported binge drinking in the previous week.
Source: Scottish Health Survey
There are three different ways to measure how risky someone’s drinking is. One way is through measuring people’s weekly unit intake but it also possible to measure drinking risk levels through the World Health Organisation's Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and a shortened version, AUDIT-C.
In 2023, 60% of adults (aged 18+) were drinking at low risk levels.
In 2023, 60% of adults (aged 18+) were drinking at low risk levels.
In 2023, 57% of adults (aged 18+) were drinking at low risk levels.
In 2023, 57% of adults (aged 18+) were drinking at low risk levels.
Source: The Drinkaware Monitor
In 2023, 49% of adults (aged 18+) were drinking at low risk levels.
In 2023, 49% of adults (aged 18+) were drinking at low risk levels.
In 2023, 44% of adults (aged 18+) were drinking at low risk levels.
In 2023, 45% of adults (aged 18+) were drinking at low risk levels.
Source: The Drinkaware Monitor
In 2021/22, an average of 496ml of beer/lager was purchased by each person each week for consumption outside and within the home.
In 2021/22, an average of 609ml of beer/lager was purchased by each person each week for consumption outside and within the home.
In 2021/22, an average of 511ml of beer/lager was purchased by each person each week for consumption outside and within the home.
In 2021/22, an average of 303ml of beer/lager was purchased by each person each week for consumption outside and within the home.
In 2021/22, an average of 497ml of beer/lager was purchased by each person each week for consumption outside and within the home.
In 2021/22, the average spend on alcohol per person per week was £6.08 which declined from £6.42 in 2015/16.
In 2021/22, the average spend on alcohol per person per week was £5.89 which increased from £5.67 in 2015/16.
In 2021/22, the average spend on alcohol per person per week was £6.47 which declined from £6.64 in 2015/16.
In 2021/22, the average spend on alcohol per person per week was £6.18 which declined from £7.53 in 2015/16.
In 2021/22, the average spend on alcohol per person per week was £6.09 which declined from £6.43 in 2015/16.
Source: Family Food: UK
From 2016/17 to 2018/19, alcohol accounted for between 7-8% of all adult drinker’s total energy intake.
If you're interested in discovering more about alcohol consumption in the UK please find additional Drinkaware research here:
This report compares the drinking habits of young adults, aged 18 to 24, with the rest of the population to see if young adults are truly non-drinkers.
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The report explores alcohol consumption, drinking behaviour, and experiences among gender and sexual minority (GSM) individuals in the UK.
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Last Reviewed: 11th June 2024
Next Review due: 11th June 2025