Drinkaware website evaluation 2013
Based on a survey of 623 website users, the evaluation examined the profile, motivations, and the value of the experience for visitors to the Drinkaware website.
Based on a survey of 623 website users the evaluation examined the profile and motivations of a sample of visitors to the Drinkaware website and the value of the experience they received.
Key findings from the survey included:
- Drinkaware’s website had a broad visitor base, with people aged 18-55 well represented.
- A higher proportion of higher social grade ABC1 visitors (66%) when compared to C2DE (27%).
- 49% of visitors were parents, with no bias towards children of particular ages.
- The majority of visitors claimed to visit the website for personal reasons (90%) rather than to satisfy a work-related query (10%).
- When respondents were asked about the effects of their website visit on likely future behaviour two thirds claimed they intended to reduce their alcohol consumption (64%) and adopt one or more of the tips and tools to support them (67%).
- 79% of respondents said they would recommend the site to someone else.